Guess What?!

My Life


Untitled-3That’s right, we’re moving…again! In case you’re not aware, Buddy and I just moved to the farm we’re currently at in January of this year. It definitely wasn’t in our plan to move twice in the same year, but it’s funny how God’s plans our different than our sometimes! The opportunity to move to Lexington came up and after a lot of prayer and consideration, we decided it was the right move for us. We officially moving in at the beginning of January 2014!

This move has been in the works since early summer and I’m so excited to finally be sharing about it! Here are some details about the move: Buddy will still be farming and we plan to increase our direct sales via “Buying Clubs”. I’ll definitely be sharing more on that in the coming months! I will still be shooting weddings and since I work from home anyway, it will be an easy transition! Lexington is only another 30 minutes south of our current farm so it’s not too much farther away!

Some reasons for the move: for the past three years we have sub-leased land from Polyface Farms (which was wonderful), but we will be the primary lessor at the new farm. Aside from being a beautiful property, the new farm also offers a lot of areas for growth and longevity!

We are super excited about this new chapter…even though moving is not my favorite thing! 🙂

(Side note- Buddy and I are on our way to Asheville, NC for the next few days for a little r&r so follow along on Instagram if you don’t already!)

And now I’ll leave you with a little sneak peek from our Christmas card pictures with Katelyn! Our Christmas card_0001

  1. Lindsay says:

    Way to fake us out Jilly 😛 love you, so excited for your move!!!

  2. That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to see photos of your new place! Love the photo too!

  3. Am I the only one disappointed the big news wasn’t a babe? Kidding!! Yay for the move 🙂 can’t wait for the world to see the beautiful new home you have! Xoxo

  4. Annamarie says:

    Yayyy!! So excited about this!!!!! 🙂

  5. wendy gray says:

    LOVED Asheville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Lauren says:

    Jill!!! That’s so exciting!!! I can’t wait to see pictures of the new house!! Though I will admit… I am a little sad this isn’t an announcement for a babe! 😉 So happy for you guys!!! Xoxo!

  7. Jen Jar says:

    Woohoo! Congrats on the new home!

  8. Sarah Bugbee says:

    Love that picture of you and Buddy!! I’m excited for you guys and your move!! Can’t wait to see pictures 🙂

  9. Erin Black says:

    Awesome news Jill & Buddy – so exciting!

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