Monday Montage | United in Charleston

Monday Montage, My Life


I had the pleasure of spending last week in Charleston, SC with an amazing group of women…some of which I already knew and others that I hadn’t met yet (but now feel like I’ve known for years!). We had SUCH an amazing time and I think I want to live in Charleston now…seriously! I love Lexington, but if we were to move, I think Charleston would be on the top of the list!

The week was spent  laughing, crying, shopping, exploring, laughing, eating amazing food, sharing, learning about Jesus, laughing some more, relaxing, encouraging one another, and just enjoying our time together in such a beautiful place! I seriously can’t wait to go back and I feel so blessed and refreshed having spent the week with such amazing women!

SO much love to all of you…Ali, Annamarie, Anna, Caroline, Katelyn, KatieLauren, Natalie, Nikki, and Tori!!

Here is a little peek at our time in Charleston! If you’d like to see more pics from our trip, check out #unitedincharleston on Insta!


  1. Loved spending time with you! Can’t wait for our Big Spring reunion this summer! Xoxo!

  2. Emily says:

    This looks so beautiful and good for the soul!! Love your pictures of the trees–it’s a favorite!

  3. Tori Watson says:

    Man, it was such a good week. And I’m so happy I got to know you more! You are such a joy and I love your amazing combination of humor and soft, sweet heart for Jesus. Here’s to amazing memories in Charleston and making it happen again sometime! <3

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