Kevin & Nicole | Sunset Crest Manor Wedding



I absolutely LOVED every part of Kevin and Nicole’s wedding day! The Sunset Crest Manor was a perfect rustic setting and in NO way did it feel like we were in Northern Virginia! The forecast called for rain, but there were only a few sprinkles to be seen during the ceremony and the sun even came out right as Kevin and Nicole took communion together! Speaking of communion, every aspect of their wedding day was a reflection of their love for Christ–it was so beautiful! As Nicole walked down the aisle, the words “we exalt your name” were playing in the background, even I got teary! It was such a special day and I feel so honored to have been a part of it!

Kevin and Nicole, I hope you’re LOVING your time in Jamaica (they’re at the same resort Buddy and I went to on our honeymoon!) and I’m so excited for you as you enter this new stage of life together! Congratulations!

Here are some of my favorites from the day…How gorgeous is this bouquet?!Time for the first look and I love how happy Kevin is!I love this!! 
Ahhh! What a beautiful bride!!

Of course we went outside for even MORE pictures at sunset! 🙂I loved this glow stick tunnel!



  1. Beautiful! Such a gorgeous bride!

  2. Lauren Swann says:

    One of my favorite weddings you’ve shot Jill!!! I love that you had all the members of the wedding party make a funny face too!!!

  3. Okay, these are AMAZING!!!

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